Nearly 1 in 3 millennials want to see Secret Santa banned


May 27, 2007
Some millennials want "Secret Santa" canceled.

A study found that Secret Santa gift exchanges trigger anxiety in many millennials. Dr. Ashley Weinberg, a psychology lecturer at the University of Salford in Manchester, claimed the holiday gift swap triggers anxiety in those who overspend because they don’t want to appear "stingy."

The study from Jobsite found that 26% of millennials admitted to dipping into savings or overdrafting their accounts to fund an office gift. Around 17% reported that they “felt judged” by their co-workers based on the gift they chose to contribute. In total, 78% of millennials felt they contributed “more than they should” to an office party gift compared to 58% of the rest of the workforce.

Nearly 1 in 3 millennials want to see Secret Santa banned. Weinberg explained that anxiety surrounding the gift exchange is one factor pushing millennials to want to give Secret Santa the boot.

“If you've grown up in a world where social media is at your fingertips and those kinds of social judgments are being made fairly constantly, suddenly you're even more aware of what others might be thinking. Naturally, that's going to spill over into all kinds of areas, particularly something that can be a social taboo when you think about maybe not giving, or maybe questioning why people are giving,” Weinberg said.

He added, “I think there can be a bit of that and naturally it does lead to anxiety for a lot of people.”

Weinberg claimed that workplaces can mitigate anxiety on their workers by setting clear guidelines or contributing to their gifting funds.

“Having the chance to share our appreciation of colleagues and to celebrate positive events is really valuable – just as long as this is done fairly,” said Weinberg.

“Workplace organizations can play a positive part in this, whether helping to suggest sensible parameters or even by setting the ball rolling with a contribution to collections for employees.”

The financial burden of Secret Santa exchanges may hit millennials harder because they are the poorest generation of Americans since World War II. Millennials have also been criticized for wanting to ban anxiety causing scenarios, such as Secret Santa, in order to create widely-mocked safe spaces.

Feb 16, 2016
What doesn’t trigger anxiety for them face)(*^%

May 27, 2007
Not all millennials are bad IMO. Good and bad people all over the world and the RX too.

Nobody in their right mind would be an advocate for getting rid of the Secret Santa.

Jan 14, 2012
26% of millennials admitted to dipping into savings or overdrafting their accounts to fund an office gift.

This is a real number? Most secret santa's are capped at like $20. At least everyone i've been apart of at work.

Sep 21, 2004
Secret Santa is Stupid

we adopt a few needy families and buy for them

Jul 14, 2007
Secret Santa is Stupid

we adopt a few needy families and buy for them

Of course it is stupid. The rampant commercialism of holidays is out of control. Besides family and a few close friends, I'll buy my own shit, you buy yours. It is also highly inefficient as research shows people overspend in these scenarios. This isn't the intended purpose of holidays at all. Unless you're a retailer, then it is necessary to keep the lights on.

As far as the article, it is textbook clickbait. People of less means tend to get stressed around the holidays, take that venn diagram and have it land on a group that fits your narrative.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Why would anyone want to take away something so innocent that so many people enjoy? We're all trying to be happy, and the fact that so many people don't grasp and don't care about is somewhat concerning

People need to chill, and stop trying to micro manage the world to serve themselves
Nov 8, 2012
Whats next?

No more White elephant gift exchanges b/c the elephant is a symbol of the Republican party and therefore you are Trumper???

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
i love how every social interaction causes them anxiety. what kind of pussy humans have you people created that a gift exchange makes them anxious?

they should rename the Transfer Portal the Millennial Anxiety Portal because that's exactly what it is. It's for weak-minded bitches that have learned that quitting is not only ok, it's encouraged.

Oct 12, 2008
why is there a need to categorize people? 'millennials ', 'boomers', reeks of insecurity.

ironically the boomers love to take shots at the younger generation (- keep in mind this younger generatio are their descendants , lol. ), all the while the boomers have helped fucked the younger generation; cost of education is off the charts, these kids are graduating with massive debt. In addition how's this younger generation future entiltlements going to look when they are 50-60 yrs of age given the RIDICULOUS boomer -led govt incompetency we are seeing with deficits?

many of these boomers will be in LTC facilities adn it will be the younger generation that will feed them, bathe them.......self-awareness? ship sailed for many

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
My kids think and act like me, for some strange reason :)

And if they acted like an asshole, they'd know what I think and why

If they had a problem with a teacher, my first assumption is the teacher is right

I taught them how to fight their own fights, that everyone they know will disapoint them sometimes, to choose their fights wisely, to be good people and don't even try to please everyone because that's not possible

Do your best, be honest, be yourself... and let the chips fall where they may

The biggest losers are usually the result of bad or dysfunctional parenting, with exceptions of course

Everyone in our educational system can tell you this

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
why is there a need to categorize people? 'millennials ', 'boomers', reeks of insecurity.
wow talk about your snowflakes

it's categorizing age ranges with a different than labeling a profession. It provides a point of guidance to the segment of the population you're referring to. I have zero issue being labeled a gen-xer btw but shit like this doesn't make me run to light a virtue signal either

If you prefer to explain it as those born between 1980-2000 i would hope that doesn't trigger you

and, deficits? wtf are you talking about? you think govt deficits have created a bunch of whiny little bitches?

these kids (or should i call them young adults?....i'd hate to label) are like this because their parents chose to sedate and sterilize their childhood and to keep them heavily medicated so they never had to deal with a true emotion so that, now, fucking secret santa scares the shit out of them. the parents didn't think they could handle keeping score in tether ball so they're now adults taking that same mentality into the real world. I can't wait to see what these freaks spawn...that, btw, would be the iGen, aka, centennials....or those born after 2000 if you prefer ;)

Oct 12, 2008
wow talk about your snowflakes

it's categorizing age ranges with a different than labeling a profession. It provides a point of guidance to the segment of the population you're referring to. I have zero issue being labeled a gen-xer btw but shit like this doesn't make me run to light a virtue signal either

If you prefer to explain it as those born between 1980-2000 i would hope that doesn't trigger you

and, deficits? wtf are you talking about? you think govt deficits have created a bunch of whiny little bitches?

these kids (or should i call them young adults?....i'd hate to label) are like this because their parents chose to sedate and sterilize their childhood and to keep them heavily medicated so they never had to deal with a true emotion so that, now, fucking secret santa scares the shit out of them. the parents didn't think they could handle keeping score in tether ball so they're now adults taking that same mentality into the real world. I can't wait to see what these freaks spawn...that, btw, would be the iGen, aka, centennials....or those born after 2000 if you prefer ;)

huh? is that what you got from my post? your mind defaults to your pre-set labels ...tidy , and easy.

parents were sedating their kids and THAT'S why this new generation have become 'snowflakes'?LOL, wow, see if you can get funding for that thesis

ya know, for a fat guy you're not very jolly

New member
Sep 24, 2012
26% of millennials admitted to dipping into savings or overdrafting their accounts to fund an office gift.

This is a real number? Most secret santa's are capped at like $20. At least everyone i've been apart of at work.

If a working adult has to overdraft their account or tap into savings for $20 they need to reevaluate their life.

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